The Sonic Memorial

The Sonic Memorial

The latest commemorative context is the presenting The Sonic Memorial
featuring a non-visual type of art – soundart.

The Memorial is consisting of two individual sonic art projects –

1. soundCollective – collective trauma, identity and sonic art
2. soundMigration – migration in a global context and sonic art


soundCOLLECTIVE – collective trauma, identity and sonic art

on occasion of the commemoration day – 9 November 2015 – the 77th return of the “Night of Broken Glass (Reichskristallnacht), when the NAZI were destroying the synagogues in Germany just in 1 night. This date is considered to be the start of the HOLOCAUST and the neverending collective trauma.

This unique media art project – – is dealing with the relation between collective trauma, identity and sonic art. it is dedicated to the victims of Holocaust in special, and in general to all victims of totalitarinism and war. Therefore it became corporate part of the media art memorial project ://self~imaging – artists show face against Intolerance, Racism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism –

All soundworks

Volume I
Hilda Daniel (Singapore) ECHOLULLIA, 2015, 3:00 min
Elizabeth Wood (Canada) – Lamentation 2015, : 5 min. 40 sec.
Jing Yyu (South Korea) – Daytime: Rebirth of the City, 2015, 7:23
Cezary Ostrowski (Poland) – I Don’t Deny, 2014, 1:32
Kristopher Reeder (UK) – 28 Trombones, 2015, 6:54
Pit Molling (Germany) – Sawtooth, 2015, 5′ 51”
Martin Klusák (Czech Republic) Princess in the Iron Mask
, 2014
, 15′ 26”

Yaniv Kuris (Israel) – Cataclysm II/קטאקליזם II
, 2014, 4:59
Music For Installations/Pieter Gyselinck – Synesthesia 2–Identity Crisis, 2013, 5:33
Marcus Beuter (Austria) – forgotten, 2015, 9:59

Volume II
Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece) – , Paths of Fear, 2011, 10 minutes
Nigel Tan (Singapore) – The Train of Thought, 2013, 3:56
ERIZONTE (Spain)- “The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters”, 2015, 06:33
Lucas Norer (Austria) – The Lisbon Rote Project, 2013, 15:39
Christine Renaudat (France) – Bloody Spring, 2013, 9’52
Edmar Soria (Mexico) – Morphic Babylonia, 2015, 7’ 05”
Wonderfeel (Australia) & Antonio Testa (Italy) – Goldness, 2015, 8:58
Mr.Arnont (Thailand) – Nongyao –SkyDrink, 2014, 20
Ayse Kucuk (Turkey) – Cannibalism, 2013, 7:12
François Dumeaux (France) – Ikarusu, 2011, 10′

Volume III
Yuko Katori (Japan) – Les oiseaux de Lémurie, 2014, 13:15
Luigi Console (Italy) – Resettlement, 2014, 4:53
Pierre-Luc Senécal (France) – Schrei, 2014, 9:40
Mark Richard Vernon (UK)- The Disappearing Sea, 2014, 10:00
Dario Lazzaretto (Italy) Loopers”, 2015, 06’12”
Caroline de Lannoy (Belgium) – ‘Dark Crimson’, 2015, 04.54
Stasis73 (UK) – Threshold, 2015, 5:41
Theme Bannenberg & Nok Snel (NL) – SLOPES TO DWELL ON, 2015, 09:53
Adrian Zalewski (zheimeer) (Poland) – I will, 2015, 6 min 41 sec


soundMIGRATION – migration in a global context
has been initiated in 2017 for The W:OW Project – We Are One World – . The title refers to the current global phenomenon of migration, but goes actually down to the philosophical aspect of migrating as an active and evolutionary process in human existence, offering desaster and chance alike.
The invited artists commemorate with sonic associations.
The project of “soundMigration” is including two curators- Wilfried Agricola as the initiator and chief chief curator and as a guest curator – Rainer Krause, a reknown soundartist based in Chile.

List of selected artists
from Taiwan, USA, Georgia, Sweden, Switzerland, Indonesia, Bolivia, Italy, UK, Norway, Brazil, Israel, Nigeria, France, Pakistan, Canada, Germany, Spain


STANZA (UK) – Soundcities, 2004, interactive
Jody Zellen (USA) – Disembodied Voices, 2004, interactive
Timo Kahlen (Germany) – migrtaion, 2016, interactive
Agricola de Cologne (Germany – Transience, 2001, interactive


Guest curator
Rainer Krause – soundMIGRATION Chile 2018

01. Ephemeral collective of sound art – Vagrancy [excerpt], 2015, 8’53’’
02. Felipe Otondo – Wetland soundscape, 2016, 5’01”
03. Raúl Díaz Ojeda& Fernando Godoy – W [excerpt], 2015, 13’42’’
04. Claudio Fernandez Sini – Traccia, 2017, 15’01’’
05. Alejandro Albornoz – Listening Animals, 2016, 8’00”
06. Monica Bate – The Life of Crystals, 2016, 1’39’’
07. Pablo Schalscha – Electromechanical Sirens + The Bullet, 2016, 1’33’’
08. Federico Schumacher Ratti – Danza de la Protesta [Dance of Protest], 2011, 5’41’’
09. Felipe Cussen – We are not one world, 2017, 2’50’’
10. Gregorio Fontén – El lugar que habito [The place I live in], 2017, 10’05’’
11. RadioRuido.2 – n [excerpt], 2015, 7’57’’
12. Mario Z – think a song (créditos bonuz track), 2016, 4’33’’
13. Barbara González Barrera – Abstract from metronome 40, 2016, 2’43’’
14. Christian Delon – Residencia Melosilla [excerpt], 2016, 7’38’’
15. Renzo Filinich – We do not have a body, but we are a Body, 2015, 11’08’’
16. Rainer Krause – Captcha piece [excerpt track 4], 2015, , 4’40’’


Jonathan Sherman aka JFS (USA/Taiwan) – Household Waste Remix, 2017, 9:17
Amelia Marzec (USA) – Future Syndrome, 2017, 4:17
Caitlin Foley & Misha Rabinovich (USA) – Kohotume, 2016, 5:55
Four Lines (Georgia) – Story of the Night, 2017, 3:30
Wilson Butterworth (USA) – Golden Gate 
year of creation: 2015 
, 5:31
Meri Nikula (Sweden) – Fatima’s Tears, 2016, 3:30
Marc Lee (Switzerland) – SECURITY FIRST, 2015, 4:28
Le Tuang Hung (Vietnam) – Valley of Songs, 2017, 9:21
Bambang Dwiatmoko (Indonesia) – Ladrang Synthetic , 2012, 4:12
Daniel Bargach Mitre (Bolivia) – before and after valparaiso (mapuche), 2017, 07.32
Lorenzo Fiduccia (Italy) – 11 Variations on Bach’s portrait, 2016, 3:17
George Cloke (UK) – Year In Review (10 Minute Version), 2017, 10:00
Ximena Alacron (Norway) – Suelo Fértil Audio Essay, 2016, 20’43”
Scott Sherk (USA) – Snow Geese Take-off, 2017, 3:06
Siou Ming Wu (Taiwan) – Lingering Sound, 2016, 01:28
Paolo Pastorino (Italy) – Matérica, 2017, 4:33
Stephen Bradley/John Sturgeon (USA) – In The Neighborhood, 2017, 3’47”
Sonia Guggisberg (Brazil) – Migrant Dream, 2017, 10:00
Harai Izenberg (Israel) – Spalax, 2017, 8:04 minutes
Jere Ikongio (Nigeria) – Eko Blues, 2015 – 2017, 05:41
Sarah Ouazzani (France) – Chat-huant, 2017, 7 :30
Nicole L’Huillier (USA) – Nothing (but the textures of my body), 2017, 4:29
Kanwal Tariq (Pakistan) – Untitled III, 2017, 1:13
Simon Hutchinson (USA) – Planned Obsolence, 2015, 6:37
Adam Stanovic (UK) – Foundry Flux, 2016, 10:00
Brad Carlile & Angelica Clendering (USA)
Ben Skea (UK) – No Heads, No Centre, 2017, 04:14
Paola Santillan (Canada) – 6 etudes électroniques , 2016, 6:28
Ryan Hoover (USA) – Sounds of India I: Fatehpursikri Fort, 2009, 3:18
Bernhard Wöstheinrich (Germany) – Unpossessed, 2017, 08:07
Tomas Laurenzo (Hongkong) – “Simple Background Noise: Movement and Stillness”, 2016, 3:18.952
Tim Howle & Paul Dibley (UK) – The Phantom Ride, 2016, 9’12”
Wayne Clements (UK) – Chromo1x50gunfire, 2017, 10:00
Timo Kahlen (Germany) – Footprint, 2014, 1:01
JAime Yakaman (Spain) – Identidades sonoro-espaciales 1, 2 y 3, 2013-2015, 8:07
Marco Stefanelli (Italy) – Ave Europa, 2016, 09:59
Marcellina Wellmer (Germany) – 52.2297° N, 21.0122° E // 52.5200° N, 13.4050°, 2017, 5:03
Edward Morin (USA) – : Sonic Variations on the Goldberg Variations – Variation I, 2017, 02:51
Laura Netz (UK) – Medial Ages, 2017, 20:00
Tom Bogaert (Switzerland) – It’s Grim Up North, 2017, 02:33
Scott Hall (USA) – Sad, Tragic, Eventually (London Drone), 2013, 3:36
Aaron Oldenburg (USA) – Alone in the Sun, 2016, 00:01:30
Lucinda Luvaas (USA) – The agry Forest, 2016, 4: 37

The details and the soundworks can be reviewed online on