The 7 Memorials for Humanity
are a worldwide unique project complex of 7 artistic memorial projects realized by Agricola de Cologne between 2010 and 2018.
Commememorating is understood not only as a reflective, but also an artistic and socially networked process.
Agricola de Cologne is acting as a media artist und curator alike.
The Refugee! Memorial
featuring The Refugee Film Collection
Hiroshima//Fukushima Memorial
featuring “Never More! Horoshima-Fukushima Film Collection
dilight Memorial
featuring The Shoah Film Collection
The Sonic Memorial
featuring the soundart projects
soundCollective & soundMIGRATION
iTERROR Memorial
Memorial for the Victims of Islamist Terror // Paris, 13 November 2015
Wake Up! Memorial
artists show face against Populism, Intolerance & Racism
The Cambodia 1975-1979 Memorial
featuring the Cambodia Film Collection